
Getting the Most Out of Your Media Content

Jul 17, 2024

When you invest in creating media content to promote your brand, you want to see your dollars go a long way and help you reach your goal — whether it’s to increase brand awareness, reach more of your target audience, or build trust and credibility with consumers.

Forming a collaborative relationship with your production partner and engaging in the process from start to finish will help you get the most out of your media investment. We’re about to break down four strategies to show you how!

 #1:  Communicate your goals and needs.

Identifying your goals and needs with your production company will help determine what kind of content and planning will work best to achieve them. Here are a few helpful questions:

  • What do you want to accomplish with your content? Is your goal to build general brand awareness, demonstrate what your product does and how it works, or perhaps build trust in your brand?
  • Where and when do you want your message to reach your target consumer? You probably need content for your social media channels, your website, and your YouTube channel, in addition to segments on TV and podcasts.

Content isn’t one-size-fits-all, so at Brenton Productions we create a complete package of social media, digital, and TV content customized to help you cover all these bases.

We begin collaborating with our partners by asking these and additional questions and really listening to the answers. By engaging with clients in this manner, we can better attune to their goals and craft the right content and messaging.

#2:  Communicate your expectations (and don’t make assumptions).

No two production companies work exactly the same way, so it’s best not to bring any preconceived notions with you about how the process is going to work.

By communicating your expectations up-front, the production company can address and incorporate them into the production plan – rather than when it may be too late in the process to make additions or changes.

Communicating Expectations About Social and Digital Media Performance

Part of creating content that drives your desired metric is communicating what your goals are and collaborating on a strategy designed to reach those goals. For example:

  • Is there a specific platform or type of content that is a higher priority?
  • What specific metrics are you most focused on – video views, link clicks, engagement numbers – and what metric defines success for you? 
  • Do your social media posts need to drive traffic to a special landing page?
  • Should posts about your brand include tags or collaborations with other social media profiles?
  • Do you want to amplify your social media content?  Campaigns with paid social media amplification reach far beyond what can be expected from an organic social media post. Amplified campaigns can also be optimized to reach more specific demographics and metrics. If you want a more highly controllable social media campaign, make sure to ask about options for amplification.

If you’re not sure what metrics match your brand goals, here’s a helpful guide.

Communicating Expectations About Video Content

Is your brand ready for its close-up? Discussing and planning ahead for how you’d like to see your product on-camera will help you prepare for that “lights, camera, action” moment! For example:

  • Let the production company know if you’re expecting to see your web address on screen, or to have one of your associates or brand ambassadors appear on camera. 
  • Communicate how your product should be displayed or handled on camera, if the talent should be wearing safety attire, or any other visuals important to demonstrating your product.
  • Think about how you want your packaging and logos to appear in the shot.

Take a behind-the-scenes look at how Brenton Productions collaborates with brands to create compelling video content.

#3:  Engage in the production process.

No one knows your product as well as you do, so providing your unique expertise will help make the best possible content showcasing your brand.  Senior Producer Matt Allegretti (who directs Two Guys Garage and Build for Off Road) says he always views input from clients as a major asset.

“The number one thing when we’re talking to them is, ‘Hey, you guys do this every day’,” he says.  “There’s always going to be something they can offer, because they’re just in it; they live it; they breathe it every single day.”

Engaging with the production team isn’t limited to the pre-production planning call; if it’s feasible, you should visit the studio on the shoot day so you can truly be part of the process.  And if an in-person visit isn’t possible, we now allow our brand partners to virtually visit the set (no travel expenses required)!

See what a virtual set visit looks like at Brenton Productions.

#4:  Prepare for air and leverage your content.

Collaboration doesn’t stop when the cameras are done rolling. Now is the time to post and promote your content!

  • Coordinate with your production partner on event dates including TV premieres, podcast releases, and streaming platform launch dates. Make a plan to post social media content around these events to drive more eyes and ears to content featuring your brand.
  • Share, repost, and engage with social media content the production company or talent posts about your brand. The more you engage with content, the more you can help drive impressions.
  • Get your website ready for increased traffic during your campaign, and be ready to track any KPIs you may have set up to help gauge the response to your content.  

The Right Content, in the Right Place, at the Right Time

If you’re taking a combined TV and social media approach to your media content, you can get the most out of your investment by partnering with a production company that does it all.

By working with an expert who understands the right types of content to use, when to use them, and on which platforms, you can optimize your content and its overall audience impact, gaining optimal impressions with an efficient, turn-key multi-media package.

At Brenton Productions, our team provides support by:

  • Creating custom content that aligns with your campaign goals across social media, TV, digital, and podcast platforms
  • Leveraging our paid social media campaigns that are designed to target a custom audience and go above and beyond the organic reach of our posts
  • Following platform best practices
  • Setting up cross-posts and branded content partnerships to maximize distribution efforts
  • Using our social media channels to support the distribution efforts your brand has in place
  • Creating a content schedule that coordinates social media posts with your TV integration
  • Reporting results and providing guidance for optimizing future campaigns

We believe the key to all of these smart strategies is finding a collaborative partner to guide you through this process and provide you with opportunities to get engaged along the way.  Have more questions about creating a meaningful media strategy that gets results? We’re here to help!



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